What is alcohol blackout what do people loose sense after drinking alcohol GK

What is alcohol blackout what do people loose sense after drinking alcohol GK

Alcohol: Alcohol acts as a termite for both health and pocket. Not only is there harm to health, there is also a dent in the pocket. Everywhere in literature, cinema, society, you will find living examples of how dangerous alcohol is.

If you have ever drunk alcohol or seen people drinking alcohol, then you must have noticed that under the influence of alcohol people often lose consciousness, they do not remember anything and start laughing or crying when drunk. According to a report by America’s National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, it has been told why people do this when drunk.

Let us know why this happens, and also know what alcohol blackout is.

What happens to the brain after drinking alcohol
Helmut Joints, researcher at Heidelberg University, explains in his report that the ethanol present in wine is a very small molecule of alcohol. Which easily dissolves in water and blood as soon as it enters the body. Since the human body contains 70-80 percent water, due to which it easily reaches the brain through the body.

After reaching the brain, it starts affecting the neurotransmitters of the brain. Due to which the nervous system gets affected and after this, a state of confusion arises for the person and things are not remembered and the person behaves strangely. Within no time he becomes a victim of alcohol blackout.

Why do people lose consciousness after drinking alcohol?
Alcohol has a direct effect on the brain, the chemicals present in alcohol dominate the brain. After drinking too much alcohol, your brain is no longer able to understand the environment around you. In simple language, your ability to concentrate starts weakening due to drinking alcohol.

In an experiment by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, research was conducted on 1000 people in which two-thirds of the people got partial blackout after drinking alcohol.

Read this also – Phone addiction or alcohol addiction, know which is more dangerous

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